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Job of your city


    Job of your city
Q1:DO you have a job at the moment?
Ans:No, I don’t have a job at the moment.
Q2:Do you want to do job?
Ans:yes, I want to do job.
Q3:Why do you want to do job?
Ans:Because i want to keep myself busy.
Q4:What is your favourite job?
Ans:My favourite job is teaching.
Q5: Why do you like this job?
Ans:Because it is very interesting job.
Q6: what job you would like to do in future?
Ans:Iwould like to do  teaching job in future.
Q7:What is the importance  of jobs in our life?
Ans:Jobs are very important in our  life because it is source of earning money.
Q8:What are the normel  working hourse of  your city?
Ans:8 hours are the normel working hour of my city.
Q9:What type of jobs are availabe in your city?
Ans:there atre many types of jobs are available in my city.
Q10: is it easy to get a job in your vcity?
Ans:yes, it is easy to get a job in my city.

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