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Foreign country


Foreign country
Q1: Do youkile foreign country?
Ans:Yes, i like foreign country.
Q2:Why do you like foreign country?
Ans:Because i like the rules of foreign country.
Q3:Where whould you like to live in future?
Ans:I whould like to live in England in future.
Q4:Why whould you like to go there?
Ans:Bwcause my family live there.
Q5:When you whould go there ?
Ans:I will apply my vissa after this test.
Q6:What work you whould do there?
Ans:I whould start my own business.
Q7:What type of busniness you whould like to start?
Ans:I whould like to start the buisness of clothes.
Q8:Whould you star your study there ?
Ans:Yes, i whould start my study there.
Q9:Whould you take driving lesson there?
Ans:Yes, i whould take  driving lesson there.
Q10:Do you like the living standard of the foreign country?
Ans:Yes, i like the living standard of foreign country.

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